Adding milestone dates to your letting schedule helps minimise project delay and cost overruns.
Depending on what information has already been entered you will find adding and amending dates behaves a little differently.
Adding milestone dates to an empty letting schedule
When two dates are populated and no timeframe exists between them the timeframe will be calculated automatically.

Adding milestone dates where a timeframe has already been entered
When a date is added after timeframes have been populated the remaining dates will be automatically calculated using the timeframes.

Updating an existing milestone date where no timeframes
Where no timeframes exist, updating a date will have no impact on other dates or milestones.
Keep in mind, this is only the case if there are no adjacent timeframes or milestones set.

Updating the ‘Quotes Due’ milestone date where a timeframe has already been entered
When the Quotes Due date is updated, the ’Let By’ and ’Start on Site’ will not be changed, however, the tender period timeframe will be adjusted to accommodate the new Quotes Due date.

Updating the Let By milestone date where a timeframe has already been entered
When the Let By date is updated, the Quotes Due date will be adjusted but the Start on Site will be unchanged. The Lead Time timeframe will be adjusted to ensure its accuracy.

Updating the Start on Site milestone date where a timeframe has already been entered
When the Start on Site date is updated, the Let By and Quotes Due will be updated to ensure the accuracy of the Lead Time and Tender Period timeframes.